jueves, 18 de octubre de 2007


Cree o modifique una melodia, un loop o una canción, experimente con su voz o con sonidos de la naturaleza.
Grabe en formato Mp3 su propuesta con una duración no mayor a 2 minutos o un mega y envíela a

1 comentario:

No dijo...

World War III, the quick international devastating war in april 2006, is over; the aftermath is a destroyed/killed ozone. Planet earth is undead. Sunlight is lethal and human race has been world widely mutated in 2 stages : a huge crowd of omnivorous zombies and a minority of veganvampires.

It's present time (2007) and since then, there's an ultraviolent quarrel between mentioned zombies and vampires:
zombies want to devour vampires' brains and insides, and vampires are defending from them, killing them in self defense or biting them for injecting them blood and so, "un-zombies-ing" them. it seems veganvampires are losing but there's still one hope to earth: a girl where remained life-essence is contained.

Araeallia, a veganvampire, is learned about the existence of that woman but she didn't believe it, even when she saw her face to face .....

This is the real state of the world right now. The world as we see and perceive it right now is a dream. We are dreaming this living-ozone state, but in real life we are killing us in the middle of a raw war.
